My mom Rosabel Blake is a visionary and she came up with a very cool poetry concept for Statia Day. Since I enjoy meddling and improving greatness I helped her write this. So enjoy a mother and a bit of a daughter's labor. Happy belated Statia Day to all!
If I were a philosopher what
would my philosophy be? Would it be about being average or par excellent?
What if I were the ombudsman?
Would I listen to Statia's cries or would I turn away and continue letting them
be denied.
If I were the CFT would I give Statia a chance or would I supervise to the end and continue the same old dance with our government. What if I were the government would I keep playing on the river on the bank? Would I keep talking so that the teacher would have too much grammar to correct?
What if I were the calypsonian
would I sing and give social commentary? Would my song be of the investigations
at the harbor and airport? Or would I sing about the birds and the bees and the
black-eyed peas?
If I were in charge of culture
would we be here today? Would we be raising the flags right side up or would we
already be on our way?
I wonder if I would choose July
1st instead and celebrate our emancipation and not a day that was the idea of
an old white man who has long been dead.
Maybe I should not talk about
freedom because truly not much has changed. We're still ruled and governed by a
group of men across the ocean and we for our shortcomings we constantly blamed.
Really? You think much has
changed? The Antilles broke up and a new form of colonialism began with Den
Haag setting up shop on Bonaire making it the new Curaçao.
I wonder what will happen in the
next few years but really I wonder what will happen now.
Truly the most important question
is what if I were a Statian. How would I move forward? Wait, I am Statian!
Aren’t you? By joining hands and hearts and voices to be one community not some
from North South, Pleasures or White Wall. But one people under God striving
for a better tomorrow working towards liberty for all. Standing against
injustice and helping one another grow. We are Statians and we will stand
together until the whole world knows! Happy Statia Day!
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